As Obama
Cutting through the mustard. We see so much propaganda on all sides, and people quote half-truths and lies as though they are the gospel. I look through the lens of the Bible and a Christian worldview.
As Obama
First I am going to note a website that has received publicity which proclaims faith but proves folly. Then I will get into the faith and folly of the four candidates for President and Vice President.
Ever heard of It is one of those sites that exists to identify a candidate with the true Christian position. Both sides have them. Some exaggerate and misrepresent. I am not saying that this one is any worse than ones on the right, but this one is being talked about. The premise of this one is that Christians should vote for Barack Obama because he truly cares for the poor. It is honchoed by Mara Vanderslice who also worked for Kerry/Edwards in 2004. I used to belong to Sojourners, Jim Wallis' group, probably the premier Christian left organization. Unfortunately, groups like this, whether left or right, who take their cues from political party talking points are a poor reflection on the church. It is another thinly veiled bitterly partisan site where truth is in short supply. When people on sites like this state that Barack Obama came up on food stamps when he mostly lived in Hawaii with his grandmother who was a Bank Vice President (when he wasn't in Indonesia which doesn't have Food Stamps), and when they criticize Sarah Palin for criticizing their hero, ignoring the extreme subterfuge in their own campaign, there is no credibility. Only the naive and the uninformed run with the information gleaned from sites such as these.
I have duly noted that historically (with the notable exception of the super-rich John Kerry who married into the Heinz fortine), those who press for more government to solve the problems of the poor and afflicted are the LEAST likely to exercise compassion out of their own pocketbooks. Jesus never pressed for government help - he preached tirelessly for us to help each other, and that was the hallmark of Pentecost in the early church. Joe Biden’s paltry $379 for charity last year is under 25% of the average giving in real dollars by our most impoverished citizens, those earning under $15,000 per year. Al Gore was even more stingy at about $100 less than that meager sum. Barack Obama’s giving was likewise dismal until he ran for president and then it shot up to about 6%, still not much when he earned $4 million dollars last year. He has no history I can find of special concern for the poor other than as an object of his political involvement. His half-brother lives in a 6x10 foot hut in Kenya on $12 per year. This is egregious when you consider Obama testified on Rick Warren's forum that America's greatest moral failing was not being our brother's keeper. As one who gave years of my life to help exclusively the poor, I know many in that endeavor do it for many reasons, some sincere, and some not. In contrast, John McCain, whom Dave Letterman pillaried as stingy, gave away 25% of his income. We all know that PRIVATE money accomplishes things far more effectively than PUBLIC money, much of which supports a managerial and administrative class that supports themselves on the poverty industry. Jesus chastised the Pharisees for the practice of “corban”, which is giving away other people’s money. The Pharisees told their parents, we are giving what we would have given to you to God. Nothing is new under the sun.
To use the scriptures to advance the candidacy of two who have not proven to be friends to the poor from their own pockets, and adding insult to injury, the very visible slums built through Barack's corrupt alliances and the less visible people in despair ravaged by high interest rates and nefarious fees from the credit card industry who has Joe Biden in their hip pocket is beyond the pale. NO CHRISTIAN who has the slightest sophistication in knowing the truth would fall for this old wives' tale.
Many old wives' tales persist about the candidates as well. Let's look at the faith of each the candidates and demythologize there. We'll start with John McCain. He is easiest. He was an Episcopalian who relied more on himself than on God until a POW. He learned how to pray, and when the right was finally given. preached at the Hanoi Hilton. He basically did the Episcopalian liturgy which he knew by heart. After some extreme moral failures when he came back, he started to attend the North Phoenix Baptist Church. His second wife Cindy was baptized there. He is still not a member, not having been baptized. He said he wasn't doing it in the political season to avoid being misinterpreted. Why he didn't do it earlier? Who knows - we can only guess. He calls himself a Christian, not a Baptist, and say he goes to that church because he finds the preaching relevant for him. McCain told the watchers of Rick Warren's Saddleback Forum he was "saved and forgiven". In his writing, he is big on redemption. He realizes men need redemption. He also is turned off by the concept of a "vengeful God". In McCain's words, "I've sort of evolved in my religious faith. And I think probably because of my failings and mistakes in life I'm a much bigger believer in redemption. I really believe that redemption is a very important part of our religion. I'm much more of a believer in a loving God, a personal God. I'm much less inclined in every way to believe in a vengeful God." Like many evangelicals, hell isn't a concept he warms up to. He is also very private about his beliefs and seems to want to keep it that way. Only God knows a man's heart, and McCain's reticence to talk about his faith in other than general terms will likely keep that relationship rather private.
On the other hand, Barack Obama talks about his faith and calls himself a Christian often. We know much more about what he means by that than we do about Senator McCain because he freely talks about his beliefs in depth and an entire book was written about it called appropriately enough "The Faith of Barack Obama" by Steven Mansfield of the New York Times. I recommend it if you have $19.99 to spare. George Gallup consistently finds that if asked if they are born again, most Americans say they are. George Barna is more realistic and asks people to define what constitutes true Christianity. Only a small percentage, fewer than 8% of our nation can answer that accurately. While it is possible that some who can't explain it can still be saved, I take people's word for things. Barack notes that he accepts parts of the Bible, but is incredulous about other parts. He identifies with the suffering of Christ, but is leery about the resurrection. He doesn't see a relationship with Jesus as giving one's life to him, but getting validation for what one already believes. In other words, he isn't embracing Jesus in a way to change him, but to find resolution within himself. Mansfield writes that Barack “was seeking a vessel for his values, a community of shared traditions in which to ground his most deeply held beliefs.” This is rather narcissistic, which matches other character traits he has exhibited in the campaign. Barack was launched of course in 2004's Democratic convention (I believe that speech was far better than the 2008 one - it was far less political than this year's and struck a chord with so many including myself), and Oprah has a major influence on him. Oprah used to attend the same Trinity United Church of Christ, part of one of America's most liberal denominations which accepted homosexual clergy over 30 years ago. This church obviously did not have a small sieve in terms of classifying a person as a Christian. Oprah is thoroughly New Age, a devotee of Eckhart Tolle, who quotes Jesus while denying him. Obama's twisted faith parallel's Tolle's. Oprah actually called Obama "The Truth", a term reserved for Jesus Christ in John 14:6. When you understand the milieu, one can perfectly understand why Obama calls himself a Christian while using the New Age phrase "This present moment" FOURTEEN times in his speech in Berlin. (Google the term if you want to find herbs to use while surfing One can also understand why abortion and homosexuality are no issue to him. Those parts of the Bible are among the ones he finds too hard to believe and accept. He appeals to post-modern (and post-Christian people). No one in the secular media or academia criticizes Obama for being a Christian because they instinctively KNOW that he is not a part of the blood-washed Body of Christ they so vehemently despise. You have to believe that Christ is risen from the dead in order to be saved. You have to repent in order to be saved. Those essentials are by his own admission not at all part of his experience.
Joe Biden is a Catholic by tradition. He has strong family values as attested to by how he responded after his wife was killed. Unless there is some skeleton in his closet, he handled the death of his wife far better than John McCain handled the severe injuries to his first wife Carol, who he unceremoniously dumped for new current wife Cindy. Joe has migrated from a moderate on abortion to a flaming liberal, supporting the infamous Freedom of Choice Act, which enshrines the flawed Roe v Wade, but with none of the limits and without the possibility of reopening it when medical evidence calls into question the time of viability (news-flash, it did that long ago), eliminates state restrictions such as Parental Notification, legalizes Partial Birth Abortion, and forces taxpayers to pay for abortions whether they believe in them or not (typical left-wing dictatorship of the ignorant semi-Christian proletariat. Joe has been in a tussle with numerous Catholic bishops who will not let him have communion. He is in open rebellion against the leadership of the church he CHOSE to remain associated with, without the integrity to leave if his conscience really bothered him (hint - it is not his conscience that is bothering him). Joe's loose handling of the truth pretty much resigns him to a classical religionist who is his own authority, picking and choosing as at a religious buffet.
Sarah Palin was Catholic and then Pentecostal. He former pastor recounts leading her to accept Christ at the age of 12. Her life seems to be one adventure after another, with six colleges, an elopement while pregnant, and a hard-charging take-no-prisoners career. I have seen the videos of her sharing in her church and receiving the laying on of hands from a Kenyan pastor and all the rest. She seems to be genuine in her faith and has attended various churches. She listens to personal prophecy (I have seen and read accounts), and earnestly believes that God does want to use her. Many Christians are satisfied with this. Time will tell. I have noticed rather extreme ups and downs. I believe she has been tied down a bit by handlers, and if so will surely suffocate. I noted in "Disappointment" how I felt when she said she wasn't trying to convert anyone. That IS the Great Commission. If she simply prays and trusts God and lets him put words in her mouth, she has unlimited potential. If she lets herself just be a good Republican, she will follow in the steps of Democrat Bill Clinton. You will remember that Francis Frangipane prophesied that God had great plans for our country under Bill Clinton, but Bill would not let go of his lusts and demons, and what could have been a GREAT Presidency was less than the promise despite some real economic successes which became unglued the last year or so. Kids starting doing a "Monica" and the moral decline and the laissez-faire toward terrorists which led to 9/11 yield a tragic story of promise unfulfilled. I believe that God has given Sarah Palin a lot of favor, but she has to rely on God not herself. The people that God uses are often the least-qualified on paper. It is the anointing that makes the difference. Daniel went into strange territory in Babylon. He learned the culture and ways and remained true to his God. God promoted him above all those with "experience". Daniel admitted he was no better than anyone else. He gave all the credit to God. She will need to study hard but more importantly let GOD give her wisdom.
Barack Obama and Sarah Palin could both be phenomenal under the anointing. Barack has by his own clear admission not yielded his life to Christ, so he is in the flesh and that is bound to fail. Sarah did yield her life to Christ, but as we all well know, that is a continuous process, and she will have to get on her face before God and allow him to fill her fresh with his Holy Spirit in order for her incredible ride to continue.
John McCain offered to suspend his campaign and go to Washington to help work out the so-called "bailout" plan. Obama chides him for not "multi-tasking". Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, has declared there would be more earmarks in this bill than any other. Obama is proving his critics right by not caring that HIS party is trying to benefit financially in this process by incorporating billions of pork, thinking that the desperation to do something will let junk in under the radar. He is proving that he cares little that the taxpayers will be raped by paying for stuff they don't want in the name of "rescuing" the financial market. It is critical to stand against this political opportunism. Obama is showing he wants to have it both ways and not take the risks that are required of any effective leader. When we consider that the government could make a trillion or two on Paulson's crafty deal, it is critical that this money go back to the taxpayers and not fund ill-conceived programs that will not do what they were sold to do.
Check out two posts since my last email - these follow below.
In fact check through the archives - some good stuff!
Things are fast and furious... Some thoughts for you.
Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. has several interesting essays you should check out. I recommend you especially read this one. Log on to In one of his other essays, he details the conformance of the Obama campaign to New Age principles. Eckhard Tolle, Oprah's guru, explicitly denies the deity of Christ and bungles all of his scripture quotes. Oprah uses the word "Christian", as does Obama, and they shared some time at Trinity United Church of Christ, a place where the gospel was rather perverted. The UCC was the first denomination to ordain homosexuals - 30+ years ago! If you look at the lingo Barack uses, it matches Tolle! The global vision with the walls between religions taken down more approximates that prophesied for the Anti-Christ than of the church of Jesus Christ. There is a reason that only Sarah Palin is persecuted for her faith. The devil is not scared of John McCain or Barack Obama. When Hollywood, the media, the press, bloggers, pundits, and entertainers all gang up on her as they have with the most vicious and ferocious attacks that are mean-spirited, filthy, and unhelpful, it is the Christ they see that drives them made. Jesus said that those who hated him will hate us. If we aren't hated, is it because our testimony is either clouded, obscure, or insufficient? I believe if it is, we are like Obama and McCain in not being ridiculed for our religion. Trust me, when I am on hostile left-wing blogs such as the Huffington Post, I get slammed for the sake of Christ. If you don't believe me, just try it. People who never met you, who know nothing about your life and character, will mercilessly ridicule and demean you within seconds of taking a stand for the Lord Jesus.
I hear it said that God wants Obama in the White House because we are entering a season of peace. A season of peace would be great, but the Bible warns us - "they say peace, peace, but there is no peace". As long as their is evil in the world, those forces must be fought and conquered. To dally at the negotiating table with terrorists is to repeat every lesson that should have been learned from history - evil does not negotiate itself away, it must be defeated. Jesus paid a high price to defeat the devil. He did not negotiate with him. It was the same with Israel. When they cozied up to their enemies, they were judged.
So look closely at what Sarah and Oprah REALLY believe. It is a study in contrasts!
Anyone hearing Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's chilling words on his world without an Israel should be most supportive of the STOP IRAN NOW protest in New York when the Iranian leader is speaking to the U.N. It seems this is one thing we should be able to agree upon, leaving politics behind. Hardly. Hillary cancelled when she found out Palin would be there. Then the organizers disinvited Palin, apparently because of Dem pressure. Obama wouldn't attend, raising even more questions about his seemingly soft stands against Islamic Jihadists and his support of our ally Israel. Now, Penny Pritzker, chair of Obama's campaign finance committee, and a pioneer in the sub-prime mortgage rip-off, is hosting at her Grand Hyatt a lavish reception for this tyrant in New York. The implications are frightening unless she has some heretofore unknown way of impacting the Iranian leader for the positive. The laundry list of liberal invitees who always seem sympathetic to Israel's enemies gives me no comfort. This requires need prayer, as there are many in our own country who would celebrate it if we were to fall.
I was for Palin while she was a blip on the radar screen. I thought she did well on the first interview on Hannity and Colmes Wednesday. but I was a bit disappointed on the second half and sensed Sean was as well. I saw her video at a church she has since left, and she was passionate about the "Master's Commission" though an extremely unexceptional speaker. I believe it was God alone who raised her up and her speaking ability has certainly soared. Now she says the politically correct thing "I don't want to convert anybody". I understand not being a pest or taking advantage of anyone, but her answer was right out of political correctness. "It's OK for you, but..." Obama just preached about getting in people's faces - the left is far more evangelistic than the right. If you don't want others to have what you have, what good can it be? Mordecai advised Esther, "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?" If God has indeed raised up Sarah out of obscurity for his purposes, it will work for her if she remains loyal even though sorely persecuted. You cannot curry favor through compromise.
Secondly, she said she supports the teaching of evolution in schools. She had prior said that creation should be allowed to be discussed. Creationist groups agree that having unbelievers teach creationism would be like Obama presenting GOP talking points, but there should be free discourse, students should be able to ask questions, and evolution should not falsely be taught as proven fact, but simply as a hypothesis. The mantra of macro-evolution, still totally unproven, with necessarily atheistic underpinnings, is the kingpin for the radical gay agenda, abortion and the attack against absolute values in our land including the viability of a strict constructionist manner of viewing the constitution. Further, Christians who resist it have been discriminated against and even refused admission to institutions of "higher learning" because of severe and persistent bigotry in this area. Ceding this ground was a major mistake and is not a good aisle to cross.
I am not saying these things because I believe Joe Biden is better. He is a gaffe machine and a proven selfish man (well under 1% charitable contributions, a paltry sum for one who is eager to lift everyone else's wallet for higher taxes) and one who seems not the slightest in touch. His running mate Obama has begun to reveal his true self of late, which is a frightening counterpoint to his carefully crafted image. McCain has been very passive and seems a bit out of touch himself in the Biden mode. I am encouraged by his more animated response to the economic crisis, but it is clear that prayers are needed so that God will invade his life in a whole new way. When McCain appears without Palin, there are lots of empty seats. There is no doubt the McCain campaign would be totally moribund without Palin, hence the special need for her to stick to the straight and narrow. One doesn't have to give sound bites to the opposition or spill one's guts or give red meat to wolves, but when answering, one must combine wisdom and truth and not deny one's core beliefs and values. We don't trust in party or in people, but in God. Without God, no one is worthy of our vote. It is He alone who can bring reform to our country. I do hope Sarah does not get cold feet next time. It does not become a leader in these treacherous times. It is only with God’s hand on her that she can win and accomplish anything.
As you know, we try to call it like it is on this blog. The deception is flowing like a river. No one has the power to bring real change except Christ, and neither the Dems or the GOP truly understands our pains. The ad hominem assaults on people is embarrassing. Personal attacks have been most severe on Sarah Palin and Barack Obama, though the age-related attacks on John McCain come in a close third. The main difference is that the Main Stream Media are deeply involved with the attacks on Sarah Palin - EIGHT pages in the Sunday NY Times devoted to the politics of personal destruction. CNN's "Sarah Palin Revealed" spent time on a partisan attack but ignored almost all of the well-documented baggage of Obama, tackling only the Tony Rezko scandal, and then not pressing as hard as the facts would dictate. Some of the parody/racist/ad hominem attacks on Barack Obama are likewise despicable, and are from the kook fringes, but the Main Street Media would have you believe that we are a nation of racists. The fact is that a whole lot of Americans would LOVE to elect a qualified bi-racial man who understands both sides to bring people together once and for all. If Barack Obama were an unequivocal Christian from a church not rooted in liberation theology who is pro-life and with traditional moral values, he would have won in a landslide. As it is, I hear even those supporting him despite core disagreements rationalizing that we have have several pro-life presidents with no change and the president can't do anything about gay "marriage" anyway. Those who were inclined to support him but who cannot ignore the fact Rev. Wright preached a racist sermon the first time Mr. Obama visited his church, who cannot ignore his radical support for what amounts to infanticide, who cannot ignore his gay-friendly agenda, and who have seen in the current economic crisis what happens when democrats are in control of billions of dollars and don't see the same folks in congress further emboldened with a very liberal Democratic president doing any better with the rest of the government and economy.
We are awash in political deception these days. Some of the things I have heard boggle any intelligent mind. As an evangelist, I often see spiritual deception. Sometimes it is extremely obvious, other times subtle. Among Christians, I definitely see a link. Let's look at spiritual deception first.
On the weekend after Sarah Palin's nomination, a small army of 30 lawyers and researchers descended on Alaska to dig up dirt. Long before, all manner of negative information was promulgated on Barack Obama. Nonetheless, most of the muckraking centers on the one person who seems to be making the biggest splash. What should have merit and what shouldn't?
Gustav flexed his muscle and 2 million people were evacuated (probably 10% of those were mainstream media folks from Minnesota fleeing from the RNC convention. While some may have gone to Louisiana, others went trying to dig up more dirt on Governor Sarah Palin. was busy trying to find Levi Johnston's MY SPACE page (Levi is the alleged father of the baby Bristol Palin is carrying). There were three negative stories the next morning on the Alaska Governor on the front page of the New York Times. People were led to wonder how she could be a good mother without disclosing that as Vice President her office will be 10 minutes from her new home, MUCH closer than in vast Alaska. That said, I frankly believe mothers should be with their families until all the kids are in school, and Trig is an infant. Most churches I work with who plan for day care programs SPECIFICALLY exclude infants 30 months or under. Some social conservatives have in their euphoria to be able to have someone on the ticket who seems to understand their values been curiously quick to adopt the feminist agenda that you can have it all. I'm glad my extremely competent mother stayed home with me. Exceptions have been made for missionaries to send their children to boarding school, but I don't know of any Christians who would advocate a four month old, especially one with special needs, being raised by others. Obviously, among single mothers and the poor, there is not always a choice, and if extended family is available, or there are funds for a nanny, people make compromises. I can say our family wouldn't have done it voluntarily. In defense of Mrs. Palin, the baby was unexpected well AFTER she had chosen to be governor. Her youngest daughter Piper was already at an age where many Christian mothers would have been back to work. I wish I knew the support system better. Actually, the hardest adjustment might be for Mr. Palin - going from snow machines and the rigors of the North Slope to Washington will be a huge change! There are family issues, but it is amazing that those who have professed to support policies that care not a whit for these things are now condemning her. My take is that she is already a governor, and since she will actually have closer proximity to her family as VP most of the time, in her case it will be an improvement for her family.